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valued vet pin
The focus of this program is on the recognition and support of Moose veterans with an emphasis on their ongoing service to their fraternal units and communities through the Moose. The program's tag phrase captures this well: “Moose Members Serving Then . . . and NOW!” This approach simultaneously honors our veterans while also highlighting the Fraternity's commitment to community service.

We don't have the expertise or resources to be a full-fledged veterans services organization, we know we can still provide recognition and support to our veteran members who have made a positive impact on society through their service and through our Fraternity.
All nominee's must “Self-Identify” as veterans in the “My Member Record” section of the Moose International website to be eligible. To begin, pull up your Membership Record and log-in using your established username and password. If you are a first time user, you will need to set up a user profile before you can manage your member information online. This is a one time process. Alternatively, stop in the Lodge office on weekdays and the Office Manager can assist you.
valued vet card
Once members have self-identified, they are eligible to receive a specialized Membership Card, a Valued Veterans pin, and a Certificate of Appreciation. Pins and certificates will be presented at one of two annual recognition nights which will take place in November and April. Newly identified Valued Veterans can opt to receive a special edition membership card at their next membership renewal to be sent at no cost.

Each year we conduct two formal ceremonies in which Valued Veterans are honored at Lodge #2121. Moose International will provide program outlines and special Valued Veteran videos. At this time all newly identified Moose Valued Veterans will receive their pin and certificate of appreciation and the Lodge's Valued Veteran of The Year will be honored with a special certificate and accolades.
© 2019 PortCharlotte Moose